A Whistle Stop Introduction to Oorla Jewellery November 25 2020
A brief introduction to Oorla and her handmade jewellery; history, inspiration and methods.Untangling Jewellery Hack October 27 2020
Have you got a nightmare going on in your Jewellery Box? If you're anything like me you haven't quite nailed the jewellery storage game and if so it's more than likely that there has been some tangling.
Read on to find out how to untangle the knots without losing the plot using a few household items.
Make it Personal! July 10 2020
Did you know that almost all our designs can be personalised to make the perfect thoughtful gift to treasure forever?Award Winning! May 23 2019
We are so, so chuffed to announce that we won Essential Surrey's Best Local Maker award!!
Thank you so much to all of you wonderful people for your fabulous support!
We will be raising a glass or two of bubbly to you all tonight!
Exciting news! May 16 2019
We are so excited to be finalists in the Muddy Stilettos awards for Best Jewellery Store in Surrey!
A blog post all about Oorla Jewellery on From Britain with Love August 01 2018
A recent blogpost from the lovely Laura at the UK directory and blog 'From Britain with Love' , all about making life simply beautiful with the best of Bristish designers and craftspeople and creative courses.February Birthstone February 27 2018
The traditional birthstone for February is the amethyst.
The amethyst was trafitionally believed to protect from drunkenness and intoxication- the ancient Greeks would drop a piece of amethyst into their wine to neutralise the alcohol.
In Feng Shui the amethyst is assosiated with wealth.
Amethyst is believed to be primarily a stone of protection from work related stress and negativity and is often used to aid meditation, understanding, effective communication and intelligence.
It is also the Pantone colour of the year for 2018 - ultra violet so bang on trend too!
December Birthstone December 01 2017
It's hard to believe it's December already! Where did the year go?!
The traditional birthstone for December is turquoise. The traditional gregorian birthstone poem for December is;
'If cold December gave you birth
The month of snow and ice and mirth
Place on your hand a turquoise blue;
Success will bless whate'er you do.'
Turquoise is thought to have been named after the french phrase 'pierre turquoise' meaning Turkish stone because it was first brought to Europe from Turkey by Venetian merchants.
Bluer stones get their colour from copper whilst greener stones have iron in them. Brown veins which appear in some stones are caused by oxides.
Turquoise is quite a soft stone so care must be taken not to scratch it and it can easily be discoloured with oils and pigments.
The modern alternative birthstone is Tanzanite which is a beautiful clear blue/purple stone which was discovered in Tanzania in the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro by a gold prospector and is only found there. It was introduced to the UK in the late 60's by Tiffany.
It is also a soft stone so tends to be used mainly for necklaces and earrings.
Amethyst- the February birthstone February 06 2017
Amethyst is the traditional birthstone for those born in February.
Amethyst is the most valuable form of quartz. The name amethyst comes from the Greek word amethystos and translates as ‘not drunk’.
There are two main myths about the origins of the name of the gemstone.
In one the drunken Greek god of wine Dionysus, was chasing a beautiful young girl called Amethystos. She rejected his advances as she wanted to remain chaste and prayed to the goddess Artemis to protect her. Artemis changed Amethystos into a white pillar of crystal so Dionysus could not corrupt her. When Dionysus saw this he was humbled and made an offering of wine to the gods by pouring it all over the white crystals and turning them purple.
In a different version of the story Dionysus was angry as a mortal insulted him. As revenge for this insult he planned to attack the next mortal to cross his path with fierce tigers. A beautiful maiden called Amethystos was on her way to pay her respects to the goddess Diana when she encountered the tigers. Diana saw what was about to happen and saved Amethystos by turning her into a pure white crystal quartz. When Dionysus saw the beautiful crystal statue he wept tears of pure wine in remorse which dyed the statue purple.
In ancient Greece and Rome drinking vessels were often made of amethyst in the belief that they would prevent intoxication.
The birthstone poem for February
The amethyst gemstone is associated with the properties of peace, stability, balance, calm, inner strength, courage and sincerity.
Amethysts are purported to help treat addiction, headaches, insomnia, pain relief and general healing.
January Birthstone- Gorgeous Garnet January 23 2016
Garnet is the traditional birthstone for January.
By her who in this month is born,
No gem save garnets should be worn;
They will ensure her constancy,
True friendship, and fidelity
Garnet is named after the latin, ‘granatum’ which means pomegranate, because of the stone’s similarity to the colour of pomegranate seeds. Garnets range from the size of a grain of sand to an apple.
It is considered a stone of regeneration, energy and balance. It is said to banish negativity and enhance self worth, to increase prosperity, creativity, courage and strength . Garnet represents love and can bring understanding, warmth, devotion and sincerity to relationships. It is said to control anger particularly towards oneself.
Garnet is an ancient symbol of friendship- exchanged between friends on parting to signify affection and to ensure they will meet again.
It has long been popular as a protective stone for travellers.
New Items July 19 2014
We have been busy updating our range so keep checking back to see what's new. We have lots of new vintage pieces which are one of a kind and can be personalised with the addition of birthstones.
We love colour and our favourite summery blues are back- new long drop boho earrings with beautiful elongated gemstones. Get yours now and be ready for your hols.
New Vintage Range February 19 2014
We are very excited about our Vintage range. Beautiful intricate vintage charms cleaned up and revamped with contemporary chain, gorgeous gemstones and a diamante ball for retro glamour. Each piece is a one off which makes it hard for us to part with them!
Tatler January 13 2014
Well Happy New Year to you all! We have started the year as we mean to go on with a mention in Tatler magazine.
Aren't we posh?!
New snowflake pendant December 05 2013
As we are due to have a very cold winter and we love the snow we are adding a gorgeous snowflake pendant to our range. This is limited edition so be quick!
New products listed November 19 2013
Lots of new items now available on the website. Perfect for Christmas gifts! Do have a look and let us know what you think.Oorla Jewellery at Kaliko October 06 2013
Exciting times!!
Oorla Jewellery was in Palma earlier this year for a Kaliko shoot and the ads are now out! Keep your eyes peeled!
We'd love to hear if you see any of them. Let us know on our facebook page post a photo of the ad for a chance to win a prize.
Website Launch April 30 2013
To celebrate our website launch we would like to offer all customers spending £100 a free sterling silver stretch ring.
First Post March 24 2013
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